
Hey All,i_am_back

I haven’t written in quite awhile and I know. I hope you’ll forgive the long break.

My last post was shortly before the SCOTUS ruling on marriage. Immediately following the ruling, which legalized same-sex marriage in the eyes of the government in all 50 states, the internet went kinda nuts. By kinda I mean totally and completely, ridiculously, overwhelmingly nuts. It seemed to me as if every person who had an opinion on the ruling (good, bad, and in-between) and what it meant for the future of the United States, and for Christians in particular, was tweeting, blogging, vlogging, boosting, and sharing their opinion, and most were doing so in all caps and often harsh words.

I had no desire to become one of the voices in this tech-fueled screaming match. So I chose not to write for the time being. I have had some fantastic offline conversations with people from my immediate community in the lull, and I am grateful for those dialogues which I intend to continue even as I get back to writing here, hopefully regularly. I think things have simmered down a lot and I feel comfortable jumping back in with the hopes of writing thoughtful non-reactionary posts.

Thanks for hanging in there while I was gone.hang in there

Look for new posts coming soon!

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